IDF Object Module Documentation

class pyiddidf.idf.objects.IDFObject(tokens, comment_blob=False)

Bases: object

This class defines a single IDF object. An IDF object is either a comma/semicolon delimited list of actual object data, or a block of line delimited comments. Blocks of comment lines are treated as IDF objects so they can be intelligently written back out to a new IDF file after transition in the same location.

Relevant members are listed here:

  • object_name (str) – IDD Type, or name, of this object
  • fields ([str]) – A list of strings, one per field, found for this object in the IDF file

Constructor parameters:

  • tokens ([str]) – A list of tokens defining this idf object, the first token in the list is the object type.
  • comment_blob (bool) – A signal that this list is comment data, and not an actual IDF object; default is False. indicating it is meaningful IDF data.

This function creates an intelligently formed IDF object. If the current instance is comment data, it simply writes the comment block out, line delimited, otherwise it writes out proper IDF syntax. If the matching IDD object is passed in as an argument, the field names are matched from that to create a properly commented IDF object.

Parameters:idd_object (IDDObject) – The IDDObject structure that matches this IDFObject
Returns:A string representation of the IDF object or comment block

This function validates the current IDF object instance against standard IDD field tags such as minimum and maximum, etc.

Parameters:idd_object (IDDObject) – The IDDObject structure that matches this IDFObject
Returns:A list of ValidationIssue instances, each describing an issue encountered

This function simply writes out the idf string to a file object

Parameters:file_object – A file-type object that responds to a write command
class pyiddidf.idf.objects.IDFStructure(file_path)

Bases: object

An IDF structure representation. This includes containing all the IDF objects in the file, as well as meta data such as the version ID for this IDD, and finally providing worker functions for accessing the IDD data

Relevant “public” members are listed here:

  • file_path (str) – The path given when instantiating this IDF, not necessarily an actual path
  • version_float (float) – The floating point representation of the version of this IDD (for 8.6.0 it is 8.6)
  • objects ([IDFObject]) – A list of all IDF objects found in the IDF

Constructor parameters:

Parameters:file_path (str) – A file path for this IDF; not necessarily a valid path as it is never used, just available for bookkeeping purposes.

This function returns all objects of a given type found in this IDF structure instance

Parameters:type_to_get (str) – A case-insensitive object type to retrieve
Returns:A list of all objects of the given type

This function validates the current IDF structure instance against standard IDD object tags such as required and unique objects.

Parameters:idd_structure – An IDDStructure instance representing an entire IDD file
Returns:A list of ValidationIssue instances, each describing an issue encountered

This function returns a string representation of the entire IDF contents. If the idd structure argument is passed in, it is passed along to object worker functions in order to generate an intelligent representation.

Parameters:idd_structure (IDDStructure) – An optional IDDStructure instance representing an entire IDD file
Returns:A string of the entire IDF contents, ready to write to a file
write_idf(idf_path, idd_structure=None)

This function writes the entire IDF contents to a file. If the idd structure argument is passed in, it is passed along to object worker functions in order to generate an intelligent representation.

  • idf_path (str) – The path to the file to write
  • idd_structure (IDDStructure) – An optional IDDStructure instance representing an entire IDD file


class pyiddidf.idf.objects.ValidationIssue(object_name, severity, message, field_name=None)

This class stores information about any issue that occurred when reading an IDF file.

  • object_name (str) – The object type that was being validated when this issue arose
  • severity (int) – The severity of this issue, from the class constants
  • message (str) – A descriptive message for this issue
  • field_name (str) – The field name that was being validated when this issue arose, if available.
static severity_string(severity_integer)

Returns a string version of the severity of this issue

Parameters:severity_integer (int) – One of the constants defined in this class (INFORMATION, etc.)
Returns:A string representation of the severity