IDF Processor Module Documentation

class pyiddidf.idf.processor.IDFProcessor

The core IDF Processor class. Given an IDF via stream or path, this class has workers to robustly process the IDF into a rich IDFStructure instance.

The constructor takes no arguments but sets up instance variables. Relevant “public” members are listed here:

  • idf (IDFStructure) – The resulting IDFStructure instance after processing the IDF file/stream
  • file_path (str) – A file path for this IDF, although it may be just a simple descriptor

Internal worker function that reads the IDF stream, whether it was constructed from a file path, stream or string. This processor then processes the file line by line looking for IDF objects and comment blocks, and parsing them into a meaningful structure

Returns:An IDF structure describing the IDF contents
Raises:ProcessingException – for any issues encountered during the processing of the idf

This worker allows processing of an IDF file at a specific path on disk.

Parameters:file_path – The path to an IDF file on disk.
Returns:An IDFStructure instance created from processing the IDF file
Raises:ProcessingException – if the specified file does not exist

This worker allows processing of an IDF snippet via stream. Most useful for unit testing, but possibly for other situations.

Parameters:idf_file_stream (file-like-object) – An IDF snippet that responds to typical file-like commands such as read(). A common object would be the StringIO object.
Returns:An IDFStructure instance created from processing the IDF snippet

This worker allows processing of an IDF snippet string. Most useful for unit testing, but possibly for other situations.

Parameters:idf_string (str) – An IDF snippet string
Returns:An IDFStructure instance created from processing the IDF string